We always limit ourselves with a task by telling ourselves it's impossible we can do pass our finals with flying colors, maintain our CGPA at 3.50, improve in Mathematics skill and etc. Do you ever realize once you started to limit yourself  you already shut down the infinite possibilities that you could have. But remember this, no matter what possibilities you might have, hard work is always needed at the first place no matter it is related to studies, work and etc.

I understand that "impossible" as anything which cannot be done.
I believe that there are things which cannot be done. 
So the "impossible" exists, and hence there is possibilities in it.

Perhaps the most amazing experience thus far is watching and feeling the whole universe open up to me simply because i choose to believe in the possibilities. I understand that there is a certain level of anxiety about the unknown but if you have faith and stick with it, I believed there;s where law of attractions work. 

"You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers.
In every moment of our existence,
we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
Quote by Deepak Chopra

So now peeps, what done is done in the past. Start to believe in possibilities and action.

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