Never thought that things like this would happen to me, i was robbed. Always read about news that how people bag got snatch, car window got broke into and etc. However, i just don't know why i didn't even realize that i'm still doing the mistakes which 80% people still do it, which is putting your bag at the passenger set while driving. How stupid, yeah i know.

This is how the incident happen. My car stopped at the traffic lights and there's two car in front me. After a few seconds, suddenly there's a motorbike brake really fast beside me. I was stunned for a second when they hit my car window for the first shot because what appeared in my mind was "did i drive very recklessly or too fast just now and someone came to revenge?" Till the second hit, i realize what's really happening!

It was to late. They already took my bag after the second hit. The whole process only took less than 30seconds and i must said that they act really really fast and they have amazing strength. Well, there's nothing much in my bag, just loads of membership loyalty card, rm180 cash, bank card, battery bank, beloved make up bag with 80% of my make ups, house key. Things in that bag doesn't cost a bomb but the bag and the purse are branded. Im just wondering will they realize it is branded or they'll just get the cash and throw everything?

I'm just glad that my phone isn't inside, if it was, my life after this incident will be struggling with waiting for iphone 5 or buying 4s. That happens to all iphone fans while their iphone lost. They can't living without it but at the same time its just too stupid to buy an older version while you know it very well the new one is coming really soon.

After the incident, i had trauma for a few days and phobia that will last till the rest of my lifes whenever motorbike comes near me, im in ALERT MODE. During the period, i kept thinking that why wasn't my hand fast enough to grab my bag, then i recall back, when they hit my window, i was pressing the honk asking for help or to raise everyone's awareness. HOW EFFING STUPID!

NO! Malaysia is not a place that you can ask for help when you are in trouble. The HONDA in front me keep to the right side when he/she heard it. What the hell was he/she thinking? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the direction he/she should turn to is left and blocked the damn robber!

Note to self: LESSON LEARNED!!!

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